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Gymshark - Headless Website

Headless Website
For this project we created new and improved journeys to align with moving the Gymshark Shopify stores to a new headless environment. 
Ensuring the designs were fully tested with users we with business stakeholders from ideation to build, making sure all KPIs were tackled with each new feature & journey.
A dynamic and exciting homepage, encompassing richer components.
New features
- Hero banners including new text positioning options.
- More advanced Hero cards supporting imagery and video media.
- SEO content tailored to enhance our ranking.
- New product rails including our new product tiles.
A more user-friendly navigation experience.
New features​​​​​​​
The new Navigation includes big improvements to mobile as well as some smaller quality-of-life improvements on desktop.
- New Search field UI added to the navigation
- More advanced Hero cards that support image and video media types.
- Dropdowns to support multiple-page links on mobile
- New language selector
Collection pages
Increase click-through from collection pages to product pages by allowing our products to stand out more and reduce noise whilst promoting key product details.
New features​​​​​​​
- Removed the image header due to no increase in conversion
- Reduced the page title size so that the Products take priority
- Moved the subcategories into the filter for a cleaner look. User feedback and data suggested moving these was the right thing to do.
- Sub-categories are renamed to be more friendly and are now called ‘styles’. This also helps define what content should go in this particular filter category.

New filtering experience helping users find the specific products they need
New features​​​​​​​
- Simplified list UI, making it easier for the customer to make a choice.
- Filter now opens in a temporary view on desktop & mobile cleaning up the collection pages and focusing the user on the choices they are making
- Filter button is now sticky and always on the screen as the user scrolls
- Filter view is now much larger on mobile allowing users to see more options.
- Introduction of sub-categories into the filter from the page. Now called ‘Styles’
Much improved search experience including new features that allow users to find things faster.
New features​​​​​​​
- Trending searches
- Recent searches
- Recently viewed
- Advanced filtering
 -Search suggestions
- Search results pages
Product cards
Increase Collection page to Product page conversion by improving quality and refining the detail presented on our product cards.
New features​​​​​​​
- Updated the UI of our tags and positioned them on top of the image to create more space below.
- Added the product "Fit" below the product name
- Removed the colour name and added the number of colours available on that product in line with user testing insight.
- Removed the decimal from pricing when (.00) to clean up the UI
Allowing the customer to better manage their cart while improving average order value using delivery thresholds.
New features​​​​​​​
- Addition of shipping thresholds to help increase average order value
- New clearer Product card UI and tags
- Stock reservation urgency messaging
- Addition of Delivery, Payment & Help information
A huge refresh for accounts, enabling users to see important information and bringing the UI up to date.
New features​​​​​​​
- New order card UI to help users find and manage their orders
- Addition of a profile icon
- Clear order status indicators for each order
- More detailed order information page
- Product imagery added to better visually represent each order
- UI brought in line with the GS app
Previous Account Page
Outdated layout, unhelpful information, lack of order status awareness, and generally not inspiring or on brand.
A new sign-up / sign-in experience with improved form validation and a simpler overall journey.
New features​​​​​​​
- Tabs to quickly switch between logging in or signing up
- On desktop devices, we will show a carousel of account benefits enticing users to both sign-in and sign-up.
- Improved form field validation
A new more informative size guide including a size calculator & educational size & clothing fit content
New features​​​​​​​
- Ability to switch between size guide and fit guide information
- New calculator functionality to better calculate the right size based on body measurements
- More fit information and rich media to show how to measure properly
Gymshark - Headless Website

Gymshark - Headless Website
